While driving home for my bridal shower last weekend, just 30 minutes north of Brookings, I felt the car's steering wheel acting up funny. I pulled over, and sure enough, the tire was flat.
Fortunately, Jared came with for the weekend, so he was the recuser of the trip, changing the tire quickly (within 10 minutes).
There was one gentleman in small pickup, pulling up and stated, "A guy does the work while three ladies are watching? Typical." Jared laughed, "Yes, very!"

So, Marie and Alicia attempted to help by LOOKING helpful. I was just a giggly photographer. I tried to take a picture with my camera, but it wasn't working right, so I whipped out my trusty blackberry to take a picture. Then I later figured that my camera wasn't working right because the battery wasn't inserted properly.

Just had to take the picture with the girls while Jared was finishing up the tire change.

Marie found the verdict, the tiny hole that caused the flat. Jensen Auto in Langford later told Jared that it probably is caused by a screw or a nail. Little things can cause a turmoil! (And $17 patch-up job... which will eventually result in $100ish new tire... life is good isn't it?)

Don't let mishap ruin your evening, allow it to be the highlight of the evening! :)
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