Thursday, February 12, 2009

Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law

the facetious proposition that if something can go wrong, it will.
Also called Murphy's First Law.

Mur·phy's Law (mûr'fēz)
n. Any of certain humorous axioms stating that anything that can possibly go wrong, will go wrong.

No matter how you will attempt to put it. It means the same thing.

I'm having those days today... or better yet- this week.

Allow me to clarify myself and explain to you in details:

First of all, I took a course, and I completed with a pass/fail, and I got a fail (plenty of kicking myself, wishing that I could have done better, despite the fact that I gave it my all)... the punch line?

That fail was a D+. If I just left it as a letter grade. I could have "passed" the course. My definition of passing a course is to NOT to take it again. I petitioned for it. It got declined.

So. I used my first pass/fail. It backfired at me.

On a less severe note... weather. It's a such neutral topic, the subject that we constantly go back after finding ourselves discussing about awkward topic... a person (98 3/4% guaranteed that person will be me) will say, "So.... how's the weather?"

In Sioux Falls, we are greeted with beautiful weather for the past few days... high 40s, low 30s. I had my winter jacket with me in my car, in case and I never used it this week.

This morning, in my usual morning rush, I paused to think if I should bring my winter jacket with me to school.

I decided against it.

At 7:30am, I walked out in the brisk 23 degrees weather that "feels like" 14 degrees. I left for my class- realizing more and more that I should have just taken my jacket.
Needless to say, I'm not the guy in thick red jacket.

Happy Thursday!

-Miss Tobin