Fall Semester are coming to a close, less than a month before I move out from the first apartment that I've able to rent on my own. It is a very sad realization for me as my roommate, Alissa Ver Steeg (Ver Stegg is how you pronounce it, take it from this deaf person!). But, it is pretty exciting at the same time, as we both are embarking on to bigger adventures that lay in front of us: Africa student teaching for Alissa's hearing placement! If you need anything
more to pray about... pray for her safety and for her horizons to be
broadened big time for the next few months! She leave in beginning of January and return mid-March. For this other "half" of apartment 308, I'm getting married in 185 days and counting dowwwnnn... May 30th! :) I'm just a wee bit excited. :)
The overused question people ask me, "So, when will you graduate? What will you do after graduation?"
The truth is. I don't know. I have no idea. Typical college student's response, I realize that. I mean, who would have a "fake" graduation from Augustana in May, then take a summer course, then student teach for 20 weeks in Fall and finally get her diploma signed in end of 2009 to beginning of 2010.
Yes. That is yours truly.
Pictures will follow the next post. I'm getting hang of this. :)
Happy Thanksgiving! Remember to count your blessings! A friend just said, "Thank goodness you use ASL, because you can count with one hand, as you will run out fingers and toes to count your blessings!"